View PDF of Constitution March-2021

View PDF of amendments made by Motion 2021-01

View PDF of amendments made by Motion 2022-18 and 2022-19

Libertarian Party of Brevard County
As amended by Motion 2023-02 and 2023-04
Adopted at Business Meeting
February 20, 2023

Article 1: Name and Object

Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the “Libertarian Party of Brevard County” hereinafter referred to as the “LPBC.”

Section 2: Purpose
The object and purpose of the LPBC is to engage in political action to defend and advance the cause of individual liberty and minimum government in Brevard County, Florida, and to serve as an affiliate organization to the Libertarian Party of Florida.

Section 3: Affiliation
The LPBC shall serve as the county affiliate in Brevard County to the Libertarian Party of Florida.

Section 4: Statement of Principles
The LPBC adopts the Libertarian Party Statement of Principles as approved in 1974 as the philosophy upon which the Libertarian Party is founded, by which it shall be sustained, and through which liberty shall prevail.

Section 5: Adoption of LPF Constitution and Bylaws
The Libertarian Party of Brevard County (LPBC) shall adopt the constitution and bylaws of the Libertarian Party of Florida as its basic guidance.

Section 6: Secession Vote
The Libertarian Party of Brevard County (LPBC) may secede from the Libertarian Party of Florida with a three-fourths majority of voting members present at a duly called business meeting.

Section 7: Secession Effects
Upon adoption of secession, or upon dissolution of the Libertarian Party of Florida leading to dissolution of LPBC, all LPBC assets shall be assigned to a designated successor organization and/or contributed to charity as chosen by majority vote if not otherwise specified. Upon dissolution of the Libertarian Party of Brevard County (LPBC) for any other reason except secession or dissolution of the Libertarian Party of Florida, LPBC assets shall be assigned to the Libertarian Party of Florida.

Article 2: Membership and Dues

Section 1: Associate Members
An Associate Member of the LPBC is any person who states intent to join the LPBC and signs the Non-Aggression Pledge (N.A.P.) “I hereby certify that I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals.” Verified membership in the Libertarian Party of Florida is sufficient to qualify as signing this pledge. Associate Members shall maintain membership status for life unless explicitly revoked or resigned.

Section 2: Voting Members
A Voting Member of the LPBC is any person who is an Associate Member and attends at least three (3) business meetings within the previous six (6) months and/or at least six (6) business meetings within the previous twelve (12) months, is registered to vote in Brevard County, Florida with a listed party of Libertarian Party of Florida (LPF) as verified by Voter ID, and is not otherwise a member of any other political party. Voting membership shall take effect immediately on attendance of the qualifying meeting. Any member who fails to maintain this level of attendance, whose voter registration cannot be verified, or who is shown to be registered with or is otherwise a member of another political party shall be downgraded to associate membership until all qualifications for voting membership are met again.

Section 3: Revocation of Membership
Any member may voluntarily choose to revoke membership in LPBC with a signed written statement delivered to at least two EC members or presented at a regular business meeting. No member may be expelled or otherwise have membership revoked except as prescribed in this constitution.

Section 4: Prohibition on Dues
To promote a libertarian culture of self-reliance and voluntary funding, the LPBC shall collect no membership dues or fees. The LPBC shall rely solely on donations, contributions, and proceeds from fundraising activities.

Article 3: Officers and Executive Committee

Section 1: Executive Committee Composition
The Executive Committee of the LPBC shall consist of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Director At-Large.

Section 2: Election Terms
Executive Committee Members shall be elected for a term of one year by a majority of Voting Members at the annual business meeting held in January, in accordance with any voting procedures further prescribed in the bylaws or by a majority of Voting Members, to begin at the adjournment of that meeting.

Section 3: Election Qualifications
To be elected to any Executive Committee position, the nominee must meet all of the following qualifications:

  • The nominee must be a current LPBC Voting Member
  • The nominee must be a member of the Libertarian Party of Florida
  • The nominee must be registered to vote in Brevard County, Florida with a listed party of Libertarian Party of Florida (LPF) as verified by Voter ID
  • The nominee must not have served in the same position previously for eight (8) or more consecutive years

“None of the above” (NOTA) shall always be considered a nominee for each elected position. If “none of the above” receives a majority, none of the nominees will be elected to the position.

Section 4: Waiver of Qualifications
If no fully qualified member is elected to a particular Executive Committee position in a particular election, some or all of the qualifications for election may be waived by two-thirds of voting members and new nominations may be made with the lesser qualifications. The following qualifications are the minimum prescribed by law and party rule and cannot be waived:

  • The nominee must be a member of the Libertarian Party of Florida
  • The nominee must be registered to vote in Florida with a listed party of Libertarian Party of Florida (LPF) as verified by Voter ID.

Section 5: Chair
The Chair shall preside over meetings and shall act as the public spokesperson for the LPBC.

Section 6: Vice-Chair
The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in conjunction with or in the absence of the Chair.

Section 7: Secretary
The Secretary shall keep LPBC records including, but not limited to:

  • minutes of meetings
  • records of membership
  •  official correspondence

The Secretary shall insure members are informed of meetings and events. The Secretary shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and the Vice-Chair.

A Deputy Secretary may be elected with the same requirements and procedure as the Secretary. The Deputy Secretary shall assist the Secretary and shall perform the duties of the Secretary in the Secretary’s absence. If the Secretary position is vacant for any reason, the Deputy Secretary shall become the Secretary, vacating the Deputy Secretary position.

Section 8: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer and shall receive, hold, disburse and account for all funds under the direction of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, and the Secretary.

A Deputy Treasurer may be elected with the same requirements and procedure as the Treasurer. The Deputy Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer and shall perform the duties of the Treasurer in the Treasurer’s absence. If the Treasurer position is vacant for any reason, the Deputy Treasurer shall become the Treasurer, vacating the Deputy Treasurer position

Section 9: Director At-Large
The Director At-Large shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Director At-Large shall represent the interests of all Brevard Libertarians to the Executive Committee and shall be responsible for overseeing candidate requests.

Section 10: Resignation
Any Executive Committee member may resign from their Executive Committee position by written notice to at least two (2) other Executive Committee Members or by making a motion to accept their resignation at the next regular business meeting.

Section 11: Recall
Voting members of the LPBC may remove any Executive Committee member from elected position by a two-thirds vote of voting members present at a duly called meeting. The motion to remove shall state the cause(s) for removal and the Executive Committee Member being considered for removal shall be permitted to speak for up to two (2) minutes in opposition. A special election may be held at that meeting to replace the removed Executive Committee member in accordance with the rules for special elections. If no replacement is elected, the position shall be vacant until otherwise filled.

Section 12: Vacancies
Any Executive Committee position that is vacant for any reason prior to the regular election for that position shall have a special election for that position at the next regular business meeting in accordance with all rules prescribed for the regular election for that position. The Executive Committee member so elected shall serve the remainder of the unfinished term for the position to be effective immediately upon election. If required by law or party rule, the Chair may appoint an interim replacement to the position until the position is filled by election.

Article 4: Adoption and Amendments

Section 1: Adoption of a New Constitution
Adoption of any new constitution and bylaws shall be adopted by three-fourths of the voting members present at a duly called business meeting.

Section 2: Constitutional Amendments
Amendments to this constitution shall be adopted by three-fourths of the voting members present at a duly called business meeting.

Section 3: Bylaws Amendments
Amendments to the bylaws shall be adopted by a majority of the voting members present at a duly called business meeting.

Section 4: Public Notice Requirements
Adoption of a new constitution and bylaws or amendments to this constitution or bylaws shall be presented for hearings and discussion at two consecutive business meetings and shall only be put to a vote and adopted at the second hearing.

Section 5: Effective Date
Adoption of a new constitution and bylaws or amendments to this constitution or bylaws shall be effective immediately upon adoption unless otherwise prescribed by the adopting motion.

Article 5: Parliamentary Procedure

Section 1: Adoption of RONR
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (RONR) 12th Edition shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by this constitution or the bylaws.

Section 2: Subordination and Severance
Any provisions in the bylaws that conflict with this constitution shall be severed and deemed unenforceable to the minimum extent necessary to remove the conflict. Any two conflicting provisions wholly contained within the constitution or wholly contained within the bylaws shall be resolved in favor of the most recently adopted provision, and the older provision shall be severed and deemed unenforceable to the minimum extent necessary to remove the conflict.

Section 3: Standing Rules
The Executive Committee may create additional standing rules or other written governing documents that are wholly subordinate to and may not conflict with this constitution, the bylaws, and the adopted parliamentary authority.

Article 6: Meeting Notice and Procedure

Section 1: Regular Meetings
The Executive Committee shall call regular business meetings monthly with advance notice of the meeting date, time, and location posted to the public and functioning website, subject to any additional policies and procedures defined in the bylaws or other subordinate governing documents.

Section 2: Special Meetings

The Executive Committee may call special business meetings with advance notice of the meeting date, time, location, and purpose posted to the public and functioning website, subject to any additional policies and procedures defined in the bylaws or other subordinate governing documents. No business may be conducted at the special meeting inconsistent with the stated purpose.

Section 3: Electronic Participation

Electronic participation may be authorized for any meeting. The electronic platform, call-in information, and any other necessary information to participate electronically if authorized shall be provided in the public notice of the meeting. Any Member participating electronically shall notify the Secretary in writing and shall announce participation on the authorized electronic platform during the meeting. Members participating by authorized electronic means shall count as present and in attendance for all purposes.

Article 7: Committees

Section 1: Standing Committees
Permanent standing committees may be defined in the bylaws, to include the committee’s name, membership composition and qualifications, term of service, duties, powers, and any other policies and procedures prescribing the actions of the committee.

Section 2: Special Committees
The Executive Committee may create special committees in accordance with the adopted parliamentary authority. Any such special committees shall operate for the duration specified by the Executive Committee or until the next regular Executive Committee election, whichever is sooner.