Election Interviews

This week Chair Nathan Slusher interviewed two candidates running for the Congressional 8th District in the 2022 General Election.

Our goal is to present the candidate responses and let you make an informed decision for your ballot. As the Libertarian Party of Brevard County, we cannot endorse candidates of another party. If neither candidate earns your vote, NOTA (None of the Above) is always an option via either write-in or undervote.

Candidate: Congressman Bill Posey (Incumbent)
Affiliation: Republican
Website: https://billposey.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/billposeycampaign/

Candidate: Joanne Terry
Affiliation: Democrat
Website: https://www.joanneterry.com/
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/JoanneTerry4Congress